Pre-rinse spray valves are very popular in commercial and institutional kitchens, as they are designed to efficiently remove wastes from dishes and conserve a high amount of water. Switching to a pre-rinse spray valve can save over 249AUD in energy and water costs.
Whether you own a restaurant or a commercial establishment, installing pre-rinse spray valves can significantly affect water usage.
The device works by rinsing the food particles from the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. With their heavy usability, installing these valves can be a considerable investment. The good news is, you can get a FREE Pre-Rinse Spray Valve in Victoria by availing of services by Green Upgrades.
Green Upgrades is a leading Victorian Energy Saver company that deals with installing and maintaining clean energy products, helping businesses reduce their electricity bills under the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program (VEU). Some of their free upgrades include LED lights, Energy Monitor, and a Heat pump.
How is a pre-rinse spray valve different from other valves?
A traditional valve spray water from 2.5 -5 gallons per minute (gpm). However, the recommended low-flow models, like pre-rinse spray valves, use less than 1.6 gpm. These models are designed to effectively distribute the water pressure without losing performance, saving you much water costs.
Replacing a traditional spray valve with a pre-rinse spray valve with a Water Sense labeled model can save you more than 7000 gallons of water per year, equivalent to the water required to wash 5000+ racks of dishes. Besides, all commercial kitchens use hot water to rinse dishes. So installing a pre-rinse spray valve also helps your business to reduce 6400 cubic feet of annual natural gas per year. This is equivalent to running a convection oven 12 hours a day for three weeks.
Replacing a pre-rinse spray valve in your commercial kitchen can save between 160-352 AUD per year and reduce your water cost by around 95 AUD per year and energy costs by around 73 AUD per year (for natural gas) or 256 AUD per year (for electricity). You can see the return on your investment within four to eight months of the installation. If you want to see the difference, you can get a free commercial pre-rinse faucet by booking services from Green Upgrades.
Benefits of Pre-rinse spray valve besides costs
Eliminate cross-contamination
Cleaning is an essential part of a restaurant kitchen, as you must handle food regularly. This is why keeping the surfaces and your hands clean is extremely important to avoid serious health issues like cross-contamination that may come across in your food items. This is why a well-designed sink and faucet made from pre-rinse spray valves is pretty important to ensure cleanliness and avoid health hazards in the future.
Efficient design
Pre-rinse kitchen faucets come with a unique high-pressure nozzle attached to a high-arc spout, which is highly efficient for commercial kitchens. The high-pressure flow allows you to clean the dishes quicker, saving more time, which makes it an ideal design for commercial kitchens.
Multi-way usage
The water lines in a pre-rinse faucet can be tucked away under the counter or placed on the deck mount. Its spring-like cable allows you to use it as a handheld faucet and reach far down the counters for a proper clean. Depending on the design of the kitchen counter, you can also maximize the feature and functionality of the pre-rinse faucet.
Easy cleaning
It allows you to clean dishes quickly. Having a pre-rinse faucet is like having your own power washer to clean the toughest spot in your delicate dishware without any damage. Due to its handheld design, you can use the nozzle directly on a specific area, such as the bottom of a large pot, to clear out the grease stain much faster than traditional faucets.
This feature is extremely important and time-consuming during peak hours of the restaurant when you have to circulate a large number of dishes in the kitchen. It also helps dishwashers and cleaners work faster as they have to spend less time scrubbing as the high-pressure water does most of the work.
Features of Pre-Rinse Kitchen Faucets
Depending on the style you choose, pre-rinse faucets can bring you many features and functionalities in your kitchen.
Types of Pre-Rinse kitchen faucets
There are two types of pre-rinse kitchen faucets available commercially.
Deck-mount faucets are designed to be mounted on the counter at the back of your sink.
Splash mount faucets or wall mounts are attached to a vertical splash mount at the back of the sink compartment.
The type you should choose depends on several factors, such as the matter of distance from the kitchen sink, accessibility of the sink plumbing and, obviously, the comfort of the user.
Styles of Pre-rinse kitchen faucets
Rolo-flex faucets offer more flexibility, and users can quickly move them with elbows.
Gooseneck faucets are stationary and offer less mobility. However, you can install a spring to move it in a different direction.
Built-In Features
All pre-rinse faucets have a high arc spout, generating a powerful spray of water from a pull-down faucet head. They are immensely helpful in cleaning grease-filled plates, silverware, and cutleries.
Optional Features
These are add-on features that can be purchased separately to add more functionality:
Spray valves: These are used for controlling the flow rates of water based on GPM or gallons per minute. You might think a stronger water spray is better at cleaning, but that’s not always true. A low-flow rate valve generates less water but does the dishes more effectively and saves a lot of water and energy.
Hold-down rings: It keeps the spray valve open on the handles, helping the user to clean faster without getting any fatigue.
Mini pre-rinse faucets: They are an excellent alternative for taller faucets, adding more space to do more work.
On top of that, you can also add features like club handles, wrist handles, and foot valves in place of valve handles to do work more efficiently.
Besides having a stellar reputation for cleaning dishes with strong blasts of water, a commercial pre rinse faucet is pricier because of its long-lasting and durable design. However, if you own a business in Victoria, there is good news for you. Victorian energy saving company Green Upgrades offers a FREE Pre-Rinse Spray Valve in Victoria. Do check out their website to check your eligibility.